المسار والتتبع

999759518116 Order Placed (Awaiting dispatch from the shipper) : Sep-29-2024 11:33 AM

تتبع التفاصيل

Order Placed (Awaiting dispatch from the shipper)

Sep-29-2024 11:33 AM

Arrived in Muscat (Oman) Hub

Oct-02-2024 11:51 AM

Departed From Muscat Hub to destination country

Oct-02-2024 01:41 PM

Parcel received at the destination country

Oct-12-2024 09:48 AM

Parcel is out for delivery

Oct-14-2024 03:42 AM

Delivery could not be completed due to unable to contact the receiver

Oct-14-2024 12:08 PM

Parcel is out for delivery

Oct-15-2024 04:07 AM

Parcel is delivered

Oct-15-2024 02:38 PM
phone image

مركز الاتصال‎


Outside Oman

+968 24922000

clock image

في خدمتكم  من السبت إلى الخميس 

من الساعة  8 صباحًا  إلى 4 مساءً